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Nuove forme dell'opinione pubblica




blogs -forum

Blogging candidates in Britain


<> Submitted by wainer on Thu, 2005-04-28 09:40.


blogs -forum

Teoria dei blog - Giuseppe Granieri





A geriatric assault on Italy's bloggers



By G8 standards, Italy is a strange country. Put simply, it is a nation of octogenarian lawmakers elected by 70-year-old pensioners. Everyone else is inconsequential.



Blog Research and References


an incomplete list - if you know of other articles please e-mail trammell_AT_lsu.edu to keep the list as inclusive as possible. Articles appear in alphabetical order (or darn close) by first author last name.


Research Association

Into the blogosphere



This online, edited collection explores discursive, visual, social, and other communicative features of weblogs. Essays analyze and critique situated cases and examples drawn from weblogs and weblog communities. Such a project requires a multidisciplinary approach, and contributions represent perspectives from Rhetoric, Communication, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, and Education, among others. We encourage you to post your responses to the essays; please see our posting policies.


documents official reports

EFF: Legal Guide for Bloggers




Seminario: Opinioni pubbliche tecno-sociali. I blog tra comunicazione e informazione.






Ricerca - BlogTalk 2.0 is designed to initiate a dialog between bloggers, developers, researchers and others who share, enjoy and analyse the benefits of blogging. The focus is on weblogs as an expression of a culture that is based on the exchange of information, ideas and knowledge. In the spirit of the free exchange of opinions, links and thoughts we wish to engage a wide range of participants from the blogosphere in this discourse.



Blogging, the nihilist impulse



Lovink, Geert

Media theorist and Internet activist Geert Lovink formulates a theory of weblogs that goes beyond the usual rhetoric of citizens' journalism. Blogs lead to decay, he writes. What's declining is the "Belief in the Message". Instead of presenting blog entries as mere self-promotion, we should interpret them as decadent artefacts that remotely dismantle the broadcast model.



Blogging: personal participation in public knowledgebuilding on the web



Brady Mark

Colchester: University of Essex, uk

Blogs have emerged from a humble beginning to become a highly networked mass of online knowledge and communication. All kinds of research, from searching for the best price of the latest mobile phone, to more rigorous forms, are conducted through the blog medium. The mechanisms that provide the possibility for blogs to link to each other provide possibilities for collaboration and knowledge sharing in a fast, public and convenient manner. This working paper discusses the lessons that can be learned from collaboration and research in the blogosphere with a view to how they can be applied to academic and commercial research.



Portrait of the Blogger as a Young Man



Dibbell Julian

A profile of Jorn Barger, the Midwestern boho ascetic who coined the term “web log,” and an argument for the cultural significance of blogs. “Amusing,” Andrew Sullivan, Slate. (Feed, 2000).



Social Software and the Politics of Groups



Shirky Clay

Social software, software that supports group communications, includes everything from the simple CC: line in email to vast 3D game worlds like EverQuest, and it can be as undirected as a chat room, or as task-oriented as a wiki (a collaborative workspace). Because there are so many patterns of group interaction, social software is a much larger category than things like groupware or online communities -- though it includes those things, not all group communication is business-focused or communal. One of the few commonalities in this big category is that social software is unique to the internet in a way that software for broadcast or personal communications are not.



The Power and Politics of Blogs



Drezner Daniel W.,Henry Farrell

University of Chicago, USA

Weblogs occupy an increasingly important place in American politics. Their influence presents a puzzle: given the disparity in resources and organization vis-à-vis other actors, how can a collection of decentralized, nonprofit, contrarian, and discordant websites exercise any influence over political and policy outputs? This paper answers that question by focusing on two important aspects of the “blogosphere”: the distribution of readers across the array of blogs, and the interactions between significant blogs and traditional media outlets. Under specific circumstances – when key weblogs focus on a new or neglected issue – blogs can socially construct an agenda or interpretive frame that acts as a focal point for mainstream media, shaping and constraining the larger political debate. These arguments receive support from a network analysis of blog links, as well as a survey of media professionals about their blog preferences.



Blogosfera e feed RSS: una palestra per il Semantic Web?



Roncaglia, Gino

The paper takes as its starting points the relevant role played by (i) the education of users in adding semantic metadata to the primary information published on the Web and (ii) the availability of user-friendly tools for working with semantic metadata. In both respects, weblogs may well represent the subset of the Web offering the best opportunities for the development of the Semantic Web paradigm. In order to defend this thesis, the papers (i) takes into account the history and nature of weblogs and of the main tools available to share information within the blogosphere, i.e. RSS feeds, and (ii) illustrates how weblogs and RSS feed constitute a field in which many among the ideas constituting the Semantic Web paradigm can already be applied and tested.



Mapping the Blogosphere in America



Jia Lin & Alexander Halavais

This short paper constitutes the first phase of a long-term project focused on probing American urban culture by examining the hyperlinks and text of personal weblogs. It discusses methods of extracting geographic location information from weblogs and ways of indexing weblogs to city units.



The banality of blogging



Kambouri Nelly and Pavlos Hatzopoulos

The banality of blogging or how does the web affect the private public dichotomy. Is blogging the means by which the ‘feminine’ voices previously excluded from public discourse and kept hidden in the ‘private’ sphere, can now be released? Is blogging a means of affirming the public character of private practices, ask Kambouri and Hatzopoulos.



Indagine di Cyberantropologia sull'area del Golfo Persico.



Montemurro, Marco

Indagine di Cyberantropologia sul'area del Golfo Persico. Il recente fermento che è emerso on line tramite i blogs negli ultimi due anni in alcuni paesi del Medio Oriente.




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