Centri di ricerca: università, istituti, dipartimenti ecc.
in ordine di nazione...dove possibile
The Media Ecology Association (MEA)
The Media Ecology Association (MEA) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the study, research, criticism, and application of media ecology in educational, industry, political, civic, social, cultural, and artistic contexts, and the open exchange of ideas, information, and research among the Association’s members and the larger community.
the most complete and current source of information about the WebQuest Model. Whether you're an education student new to the topic or an experienced teacher educator looking for materials, you'll find something here to meet your needs.
After 1968
On the notion of the political in postmarxist theory. Research project by Katja Diefenbach
New Political Communication Unit,
the New Political Communication Unit, which was founded last year in the Department of Politics and International Relations at Royal Holloway College, the University of London. Already,
the unit has held a successful events (with many more planned) and
published a number of working papers. If anyone is interested in being
kept up to date with the research in the unit, we have just set up a
Facebook group which we are going to use to publicise events and news.
Established in 1957, IAMCR is the worldwide professional organisation in the field of media
and communication research. Its members promote global inclusiveness and excellence
within the best traditions of critical research in the field. Its objectives include strengthening
and encouraging the participation of new scholars, women, and those from economically
disadvantaged regions, including researchers from African, Asian and South and Central
American countries. .
Access Foundation
The Access Foundation is an international, educational, non-profit organization dedicated to the betterment of mankind through the understanding and use of complementary monetary innovations.
Media Anthropology Network
The European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Media Anthropology Network had its first meeting at the 8th Biennial Conference of EASA, held in Vienna from 8 to 12 September 2004.
Developed by Steve Hoenisch, Criticism.Com took life in 1995 as Critical Mass. It became Criticism.Com in 1996. In the beginning, it focused solely on media criticism and political action but evolved to cover linguistics, philosophy, social science, and XML. There is also some random content on skiing and travel.
The Institute for Distributed Creativity
The research of the Institute for Distributed Creativity (iDC) focuses
on collaboration in media art, technology, and theory with an emphasis on
social contexts. The iDC is an independent international network with a
participatory and flexible institutional structure that combines
creative production, research, events, and documentation.
While the iDC makes appropriate use of emerging low-cost and free social
software it balances these activities with regular face-to-face
OpenNet Initiative
Internet censorship and surveillance are growing global
phenomena. ONI’s mission is to identify and document
Internet filtering and surveillance, and to promote and
inform wider public dialogue about such practices.
University of Essex , UK
Chimera is an Institute of the University of Essex that combines the social and technological sciences to generate insights into the personal and social use of information and communication technologies. Our objective is to understand what people do, how they do it, how this changes over time and what difference it makes. We then apply this understanding to the design of new technologies, commercial strategies or public policy interventions.
fibreculture is about critical and speculative interventions in the debate and discussions concerning information technology, the policy that concerns it, the new media for(u)ms it supports and its sustainable deployment towards a more equitable Australia. fibreculture is a forum for the exchange of articles, ideas and arguments on Australian IT policy in a broad, cultural context.
Criado em 1997, pelos professores André Lemos e Marcos Palacios, o Ciberpesquisa tinha por finalidade ser um grupo de estudos e pesquisas sobre o ciberespaço, na emergente área da cibercultura. Na época não havia no Brasil grupos de pesquisa sobre essa temática dentro das ciências sociais. O grupo reunia professores e alguns estudantes de mestrado e doutorado e funcionava como um núcleo de estudos com debates de textos e convidados palestrantes.
Email Research
NetLab Centre for Urban and Community Studies University of Toronto
The McLuhan Program's
The McLuhan Program's mandate is to encourage understanding of the impacts of technology on culture and society from theoretical and practical perspectives, and thus to continue the ground-breaking work initiated by Marshall McLuhan.
Center for Computer Games Research IT University of Copenhagen
Computer games are an important part of contemporary culture. We need new research to understand the nature of games, their structure, their function and their impact.
At the Center for Computer Games Research we research game aesthetics, game design, game spaces, game worlds, gaming cultures, and learning in games.
m-cult was established in 2000 to support production, research and development of new media culture by an active involvement in the practices, policies and structures of the field. Aiming at a sustainable development of media culture, m-cult works to create productive and critical, interdisciplinary encounters between actors in culture, technology and society.
Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA)
Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) is a non-profit, international association of academics and practitioners whose work focuses on digital games and associated activities.
The Cyberpunk Project
The Cyberpunk Project (TCP) is an remotely avaliable net of files about cyberpunk subculture, cyberpunk science fiction and general cyberculture in the form of free information. This is an open directory, hosting related documents and literate work.
Association of Internet Researchers
The Association of Internet Researchers is an academic association dedicated to the advancement of the cross-disciplinary field of Internet studies. It is a resource and support network promoting critical and scholarly Internet research independent from traditional disciplines and existing across academic borders. The association is international in scope.
Centre for Technology, Society & Media (STeM)
Dublin City University - The Centre for Technology, Society & Media (STeM) is a multidisciplinary research centre focused on the changing interfaces between society, technology and information. It addresses socio-economic, cultural and policy aspects of digital media, new ICT and the information society. STeM was founded by Paschal Preston to further develop the research of the COMTEC centre based in the School of Communication since the early 1990s. STeM was formally approved by DCU as a University Designated Research Centre (UDRC) in 2000.
Etnografia - Scrivere le Culture @ Net costituisce il sito personale di Alessandra Guigoni. sto sito troverete alcuni miei articoli scaricabili (in pdf) per lo spirito del copyleft;
si prega di citare l'autrice e la referenza completa che compare in calce all'articolo.
Altri articoli correlati o su argomenti affini sono disponibili previa richiesta all'autrice.
Tramanti è un luogo di ricerca dedicato al rapporto fra femminismo e nuove tecnologie. Uno spazio simbolico in divenire per le donne nella rete. Cyberfemminismo, identità, cyborg, soggettività nomadi, cyberspazio, queer theory, politiche e teorie femministe, cybertheory.
NOEMA è un sito sulle relazioni tra cultura e nuove tecnologie e sulle loro reciproche influenze. Il termine "cultura" significa anche "abitudini", "modi di vita", "comunicazione", "arte", "società", "economia", "media", "filosofia"..., mentre il termine "nuove tecnologie" va inteso in maniera più estesa della mera accezione digitale.
NOEMA è sul Web dal marzo 2000. Nel 2003 NOEMA è stato selezionato da RAI International come miglior sito italiano.
Un approccio sociologico alla riflessione ed allo studio di comunità ed associazioni virtuali, a partire da un'ottica teorica, volta a favorire lo sviluppo e l'interscambio fra le diverse realtà del cyberspazio italiano.
Cultural Studies.it
NetSociology Università di Lecce (sito dismesso)
Antropologia del turismo
In questo sito Duccio Canestrini raccoglie bibliografie specializzate, saggi e links di antropologia del turismo. Al contempo, presenta il suo lavoro sull'uso ricreativo del territorio, sull'immaginario e sui riti - vecchi e nuovi - del viaggio.
Hacker art
Obiettivi: la divulgazione di storie e tematiche poco conosciute in quanto differenti e/o antagoniste al pensiero dominante. Creare un archivio delle memorie attraverso la collaborazione degli utenti.
- essere uno strumento didattico all’interno del quale apprendere gli strumenti per esprimersi attraverso i nuovi media.
Centro Studi Informatica Giuridica
La creazione del Centro Studi di Informatica Giuridica, in un mondo informatico che cambia così in fretta, tanto che ciò che sembrava futuro già esiste, ciò che poteva succedere sta già accadendo, spinge i propri iscritti ad un continuo studio di soluzioni giuridico informatiche che possano essere positivamente applicate nel mondo dell' ICT-LAW.
The Internet is rapidly transforming the production, distribution, and consumption of knowledge and information. Information is made available in electronic formats and through differing network applications. The information is expanding at a very fast growing rate. Much of the latest sociological research finds its way onto the Internet long before it reaches print or other traditional media. Coming to terms with the Internet and its resources is a most pressing and necessary task for all social scientists.
The SocioSite is designed to get access to information and resources which are relevant for sociologists and other social scientists. It has been designed from a global point of view - it gives access to the world wide scene of social sciences. The intention is to provide a comprehensive listing of all sociology resources on the Internet. The enormity and constantly changing nature of the Internet makes it impossible to develop a definitive and comprehensive listing. That's why the SocioSite will always be 'under construction'. very fast g
V2_Organisation, Institute for the Unstable Media
V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media, is an interdisciplinary center for art and media technology in Rotterdam (the Netherlands).
In 25 years, V2_ has become an international organization for experimentation, research and development in art and media technology.
V2_'s activities include organizing presentations, exhibitions and workshops, research and development of artworks in its own media lab, publishing in the field of art and media technology, and developing an online archive.
Read more about the projects of V2_ on this website.
Institute of Network Cultures (INC) - Amsterdam
The Institute of Network Cultures (INC), which was set up in June 2004, caters to research, meetings and (online) initiatives in the area of internet and new media. Not only will the INC facilitate, but also initiate and produce a range of projects. Its goal is to create an open organizational form with a strong focus on content, within which ideas (emanating from both individuals and institutions) can be given an institutional context at an early stage. Based on the fusion of old and new media, the INC aims to organize both public and internal meetings and to formulate new research.
Adilkno - media theorists
ADILKNO / BILWET (Foundation for the Advancement of Illegal Knowledge / Stichting tot Bevordering van Illegale Wetenschap ) was founded in 1983 as a collective of five artists/authors, Geert Lovink, Arjen Mulder, BasJan van Stam, Lex Wouterloot and Patrice Riemens.
Mediamatic is a cultural institution in Amsterdam. We do exhibitions, presentations, workshops and other activities in Amsterdam and internationally. This site gives you an overview combined with news and theory. The site is edited automatically with anyMeta. It matches the topical with heritage in a sometimes fuzzy, but always surprising way. Just to get you started, there's a list of recent contributions below.
The Virtual Knowledge Studio for the Humanities and Social Sciences (KNAW)
Paesi Bassi
The Virtual Knowledge Studio for the Humanities and Social Sciences (KNAW) supports researchers in the humanities and social sciences in the Netherlands in the creation of new scholarly practices and in their reflection on e-research in relation to their fields.
A core feature of the Virtual Knowledge Studio is the integration of design and analysis in a close cooperation between social scientists, humanities researchers, information technology experts and information scientists. This integrated approach provides insight in the way e-research can contribute to new research questions and methods.
Internet Governance Project
Syracuse University, USA
The Internet Governance Project (IGP) is an interdisciplinary consortium of academics with scholarly and practical expertise in international governance, Internet policy, and information and communication technology. The Project is conducting research on and publishing analysis of Internet governance. Syracuse University, Georgia Institute of Technology.
INSIGHT is a knowledge base for new technology and education and covers the following areas: Policy, School Practice, Interoperability, Research.
European Media, Technology and Everyday Life Network (EMTEL)
Transnational Communities Programme
In 1997 the UK Economic and Social Research Council commissioned a new national research programme to look into the human dimensions of globalisation and aspects of emerging transnationalism. A sum of £3.8 million was allocated to the Programme and it is a research initiative of the University of Oxford Faculty of Anthropology and Geography. Its Director is Professor Steven Vertovec. The Programme involves 19 projects, some within a single discipline, but most linking several. While the programme’s Directorship is based in Oxford, the projects are conducted from a variety of British universities with multi-site research to be undertaken throughout the world. The Programme was planned to run until the summer of 2002, although it has been given a six month extension to disseminate findings.
Photoinsight is a website dedicated to issues of ethnicity, identity and cultural difference.
Welcome to Diasporama: A Cure for the Mellinnium Blues
Phil Cohen is director of CNER and reader in Cultural Studies. His research interests include the history of multiracist Britain, the cultural geography of contemporary racism (especially in East London), youth arts and urban multiculture, new approaches to multicultural education in schools and universities. His most recent publications are Rethinking the Youth Question (Macmillan 1997) and The Last Island- Essays on England and the Dreaming of 'Race' (CNER 1998) Cohen's essay explores the notion of the term Diaspora and examines the historical and political meanings of the word and the current complex contempoary levels of meaning.
Cybersoc is an online resource for social scientists interested in the study of the internet, cyberspace, computer mediated communication, and online communities
Social Movements Research
The Social Movements Group was founded inSeptember 2000 as a cross-departmental and multi-disciplinary research group, based at Edge Hill College of Higher Education in North-West England but drawing upon the energies of activists and academics from around the globe. We study social movements past and present; the theories which have been developed to understand and explain social movements; and the ideas (political ideologies, social and cultural thought, structures of feeling) which have animated social movements. We work within and across a range of disciplines. Currently members range across sociology, history, womens studies, politics and cultural studies but we would welcome the participation from those with other disciplinary ‘homes’ and from those with none. ( sito dismesso)
Oxford Internet Institute (OII)
Welcome to the Oxford Internet Institute (OII) -- one of the world's first truly multi-disciplinary Internet institutes based in a major university. Devoted to the study of the societal implications of the Internet, the OII seeks to shape research, policy and practice in the UK, Europe and around the world.
The Oxford Internet Institute was launched by an endowment from The Shirley Foundation, with public funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England and the foresight of colleagues at the University of Oxford and its Colleges. Your support and interest are appreciated.
- Professor William Dutton, Director
Online/More Colour in the Media
Online/More Colour in the Media is a network of minority organisations and multicultural NGO’s, local and national broadcast media, training institutes and media education organisations, and aims to improve the representation of ethnic minorities in the media.
Hypermedia Research Centre
The Hypermedia Research Centre is a research group composed of academics, artists, artisans, designers and writers. We are based in the School of Media, Art and Design at the University of Westminster University in London, UK.
The European Social and Cultural Studies Centre (ESCUS)
ESCUS was set up in September 2003, and aims to establish itself as a national and international centre of excellence in the study of European society and culture and of relevant aspects of EU policy, and to promote Sheffield University's activities in this field.
UK Children Go Online Website - London school
UK, London
The project explores the nature and meaning of children's internet use and maps emerging patterns of attitudes and practices across diverse contexts and social groups in the UK. It is part of the ESRC's e-Society Programme and is based at the Department of Media and Communications at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
UK, Lse, London
Ethnobase is a web resource for ethnographic approaches to studying Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The site is based at the London School of Economics, Department of Sociology, and aims to network the growing ranks of ICT ethnographers, increasing communication and awareness of our work.
Center for Black Studies - University Santa Barbara- California
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Academic Mission
To organize, promote and administer interdisciplinary research among faculty and students on the social, political, historical, cultural, and economic experiences of people of African descent. The Center is also committed to facilitating rapport between people of African descent and other people of color as well as with the US population in general.
To disseminate the research products and the ideas generated therein through a variety of mechanisms including, but not limited to working papers, edited volumes, special editions of journals, conferences and colloquia.
To provide training in interdisciplinary scholarship for faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates.
Public Mission
One goal of the Center's research agenda is active engagement in shaping and implementing public policy. Therefore, the academic mission is complemented by a public mission. The Center's research agenda uniquely positions us to provide a critical synthesis of issues of race, social equality and justice.
Furthermore, the broader public mission embraces a commitment to community collaboration. This collaboration can take on many forms, including: enhancing communication between the university and the community on issues of mutual concern; facilitating access for the community to university resources; participating in the development and implementation of community based educational and social initiatives; providing co-sponsorship for cultural activities on campus and in the community.
The Transnational Project
University of Chicago, USA
Transnational flows of capital, people, information and images are transforming our worlds; they are also challenging researchers to develop new theoretical and methodological practices to study and account for them. The TransNationalism Project takes on this challenge.
La Sociedad Digital® es una organización civil no gubernamental destinada fundamentalmente a la investigación de la Sociedad de la Información y sus efectos políticos, económicos, comerciales, sociales, culturales y educativos. (SITO DISMESSO)
Digital Divide Network
The Digital Divide Network is the Internet's largest community for educators, activists, policy makers and concerned citizens working to bridge the digital divide. At DDN, you can build your own online community, publish a blog, share documents and discussions with colleagues, and post news, events and articles. You can also find the archived discussion lists of the DIGITAL DIVIDE listserv.
EFF "Net Culture & Cyber-Anthropology" Archive
From the Internet to the iPod, technologies are transforming our society and empowering us as speakers, citizens, creators, and consumers. When our freedoms in the networked world come under attack, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is the first line of defense. EFF broke new ground when it was founded in 1990 — well before the Internet was on most people's radar — and continues to confront cutting-edge issues defending free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights today. From the beginning, EFF has championed the public interest in every critical battle affecting digital rights.
Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
Science, Technology, and Society (STS) is a multidisciplinary program that approaches the study of science, technology and society at the points of their convergence using historical, philosophical, and sociological approaches. State University of New York Institute of Technology.
Los Angeles Center For Digital Art
Los Angeles Center For Digital Art is dedicated to the propagation of all forms of digital art, supporting local, international, emerging and established artists in our gallery. We have an ongoing schedule of exhibits and competitions, produce editions of wide format archival prints, and provide low cost education for individuals interested in learning computer programs utilized for art, photography and design.
The Internet Studies Center at the University of Minnesota
The Internet Studies Center at the University of Minnesota addresses compelling questions surrounding the social, ethical, legal, and rhetorical aspects of the Internet. The Center is based in the Rhetoric Department but is an interdisciplinary effort drawing on faculty from around the University and industry partners. By providing access to current theories, critiques, and explanations of the Internet, the Internet Studies Center is a hub for innovative Internet research and discussion.
Society for Social Studies of Science
Society for Social Studies of Science is the oldest and largest scholarly association devoted to understanding science and technology. While as many of us study technology as science, we continue to use our original name, or simply "4S".
Act Lab
A unique group of international and interdisciplinary artists, teachers, techies, and hackers. We situate our work at the hotly contested intersections where technology, art, and culture collide. Our uniqueness comes from our unusual courses, our custom multimodal studio specifically designed for ACTLab work, the special qualities of our community and participants, the guiding vision of our directors, visiting artists and lecturers, and our students' broad spectrum of interests and projects.
Popcultures.com - Sarah Zupko
PopCultures.com is the comprehensive guide and resource area for cultural studies, popular culture analysis, and mass media theory.
Into the blogosphere
This online, edited collection explores discursive, visual, social, and other communicative features of weblogs. Essays analyze and critique situated cases and examples drawn from weblogs and weblog communities. Such a project requires a multidisciplinary approach, and contributions represent perspectives from Rhetoric, Communication, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, and Education, among others. We encourage you to post your responses to the essays; please see our posting policies.
The Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium
Berkeley's ATC lecture series is an internationally known forum for presenting new ideas that challenge conventional wisdom about technology and culture. This series, free of charge and open to the public, presents artists, writers, curators, and scholars who consider contemporary issues at the intersection of aesthetic expression, emerging technologies, and cultural history, from a critical perspective.
Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies
The Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies is an online, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to research, teach, support, and create diverse and dynamic elements of cyberculture.
RCCS was originally founded by David Silver in 1996 at the University of Maryland, where it received generous support from the Department of American Studies.
For a low volume announcement list regarding RCCS events and updates, please subscribe to cyberculture-announce.
Computer Mediated Anthropology
An Online Resource Center. University of South Florida
Singularity Institute
The Singularity is the technological creation of smarter-than-human intelligence. There are several technologies that are often mentioned as heading in this direction. The most commonly mentioned is probably Artificial Intelligence, but there are others: direct brain-computer interfaces, biological augmentation of the brain, genetic engineering, ultra-high-resolution scans of the brain followed by computer emulation.
Cultural Studies Central
Cultural Studies today is a simmering stew of the ideas, voices, and lives of people all over the world. It's the things we use and the people we talk about. It's life and life only. Cultural Studies Central is a gathering spot and central clearinghouse where those of us who live and breathe Cultural Studies can go to learn more and do more. CSC is enjoying the move to its new home, and soon we will have automated threaded discussion groups devoted to special topics including reading groups and study groups. Every month this coming spring and summer of 2002, there will be more to do and see!
The Chicago School of Media Theory
The Chicago School of Media Theory (CSMT) is a working group established by University of Chicago students and course assistants in W. J. T. Mitchell's Winter 2003 and Winter 2004 Theories of Media classes. CSMT was formed to continue the explorations begun in the Theories of Media class and to promote interdisciplinary study of media theory. The founding group is represented by both undergraduate and graduate students from the following departments: Art History, Cinema and Media Studies, Computer Science, Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science, Comparative Literature, English Language and Literature, Gender Studies, History, International Relations, Music, and Philosophy
The Convergence Center
The Convergence Center supports research on and experimentation with media convergence. The Center is a joint effort of the Syracuse University School of Information Studies and the Newhouse School of Public Communications . Its mission is to understand the future of digital media and to engage students and faculty in defining and shaping that future.
Racesci - History of race in science
The RaceSci Website is a resource for scholars and students interested in the history of "race" in science, medicine, and technology. RaceSci is dedicated to encouraging critical, anti-racist and interdisciplinary approaches to our understanding of the production and uses of "race" as a concept within the history of science. Instead of assuming race as a natural category that science then uncovers, this site assembles scholarly works that look at how cultural processes of racialization have profoundly shaped knowledge about humanness, health, and even our understanding of "nature" itself.
Arab Information Project
We are studying the social, cultural, economic and political life of advanced communication and information technologies in the Middle East and in the "Middle Easts" overseas. The growth of the Internet, direct satellite broadcasting, cellular and other telecommunications systems calls for ongoing analysis of the changing communication and information cultures in the Arab world and the manifold influences conveyed by these new technologies.
Imagining the Internet Predictions Database
The Imagining the Internet Predictions Database examines the potential future of the Internet while simultaneously providing a peek back into its history. We invite you to navigate through three useful resource areas that: illuminate the views of stakeholders - The Experts Survey; give an historic overview - The 1990 to 1995 Predictions; and allow your participation - Share Your Vision Today.
Cyberspace, Hypertext, and Critical Theory Web
Like the Victorian and Postcolonial Literature webs, this collection of interlinked materials, which by April 1998 has grown to include some 7,000 documents and images, began as an Intermedia web that supported courses taught at Brown University. In 1992 all materials were transferred to Eastgate Systems's Storyspace and then, in 1995, to html.
Digital Ethnography
Usa, Kansas State University
A working group of Kansas State University students and faculty dedicated to exploring and extending the possibilities of digital ethnography.
Social Movements Working Group (SMWG)
UUniversity of North Carolina
The SMWG is a research-action project based at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We seek to understand and re-envision social movements. Many of us work within activist networks as well as across and beyond academic disciplines to challenge the divide between activism and the academy. We situate our work within broader struggles for change and social justice.
Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
Virginia Polytechnic Institute. USA
The Center for Digital Discourse and Culture (CDDC) is a college-level center at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in the College of Arts and Sciences. Working with faculty in the Virginia Tech Cyberschool, the CDDC provides one of the world's first university based digital points-of-publication for new forms of scholarly communication, academic research, and cultural analysis. At the same time, it supports the continuation of traditional research practices, including scholarly peer review, academic freedom, network formation, and intellectual experimentation. Our aim is to be open to all forms of cultural, ideological, methodological, and scientific discourse, while encouraging diversity, interdisciplinarity, and academic excellence.