History of the Internet, 2009
History of the internet" is an animated documentary explaining the inventions from time-sharing to filesharing, from Arpanet to Internet. The history is told using the PICOL icons on picol.org , which are available for download soon. On blog.picol.org you can get news about this project.
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Meet Lev Manovich, 2005
Incontro con Lev Manovicha Milano (2005)
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"Web, TV e Giornali: 2008, l'anno del sorpasso?,
Puntata di Italia world di Rai International: insieme al Direttore Piero Badaloni, ne parlano in studio il giornalista Paolo Graldi e il regista Michele Guardì.
In collegamento da Milano il prof. Umberto Bertelè (Presidente School of Management del Politecnico di Milano) ed in collegamento da Potenza l'esperto del web Giuseppe Granieri.
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Geert Lovink. European Graduate School EGS 2007 Lecture 1/8, 2007
Geert Lovink presenting a foundation of critical internet culture and talking about blogs, blogging, blogging philosophy, activism, social networks, network theory, audiences, growth and markets. Public open video lecture for the faculty and students of the European Graduate School, Media and Communication Studies Department Program, EGS, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, 2007.
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Geert Lovink. European Graduate School EGS 2007 Lecture 6/8, 2007
Geert Lovink presenting a foundation of critical internet culture and talking about blogs, blogging, blogging philosophy, activism, social networks, network theory, audiences, growth and markets. Public open video lecture for the faculty and students of the European Graduate School, Media and Communication Studies Department Program, EGS, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, 2007. Geert Lovink Geert Lovink, born 1959 in Amsterdam, is a media theorist, net critic and activist, who studied political science on the University of Amsterdam (MA) and holds a PhD at University of Melbourne. In 2003 he was a postdoc fellow at University of Queensland in Brisbane. 2004 he was appointed research professor at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam for Interactive media and associate professor for New Media at the University of Amsterdam.
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Information R/evolution,
This video explores the changes in the way we find, store, create, critique, and share information. This video serves well as a conversation starter, and works especially well when brainstorming with people about the near future and the skills needed in order to harness, evaluate, and create information effectively.
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The Internet has a Face., 2007
Since YouTube's beginnings in 2005, the website has hosted not just coca cola and mentos experiments, but a network of vloggers who have meaningful interactions beyond the limits of text. This video was created to explore the content and purpose of vlogs, as well as the networking and interconnectivity as users respond and reach out to each other within and beyond the YouTube website.
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Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us, 2007
Un suggestivo video che introduce ai principi del web 2.0. Il video è stato realizzato dal team di mediatedcultures.net @ kansas state university. Un gruppo di studenti che si occupano di digital ethnography guidati da Michael Wesch con la finalità di comprendere l'impatto delle tecnologie digitali sull'interazione umana e dell'interazione umana sulle tecnologie digitali.
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Gli E-Book a scuola: un'occasione di innovazione, 2009
Video del Convegno Nazionale: Nel corso del Convegno sono stati presentati alcuni esempi di E-Book di Testo selezionati dal Catalogo Garamond 2009-2010 e sono stati mostrati alcuni fra i piu' diffusi lettori dedicati di E-Book e netbook (PC portatili a basso costo e di peso e ingombro molto contenuti, idonei allo studio con E-Book).
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