Cibercultura - Web Studies
Una collezione di risorse
12 items
Sociology of Cyberspace Bibliography
Cyberculture: An Annotated Bibliography 1996-1998
Silver David
The following entries help to introduce and contextualize the emerging field of cyberculture. While some of the entries explore how cyberculture came to be, others examine how it could be. Unlike so many popular, hype-driven essays and articles (or what Mark Dery calls "cyberdrool") written about the Net, the entries included in this section are more historically, politically, and/or theoretically grounded.
Taken together, the following books, essays, and articles represent a spectrum of perspectives regarding the Internet. While Negroponte and, to a certain extent, Benedikt celebrate its existence, Besser, Boal, and Shapiro question its application(s). Somewhere in between lie cultural critics such as Bruckman and Hayles, scholars less interested in celebrating or rejecting cyberculture than in defining its potential and parameters.
centro di ricerca
Association of Internet Researchers
The Association of Internet Researchers is an academic association dedicated to the advancement of the cross-disciplinary field of Internet studies. It is a resource and support network promoting critical and scholarly Internet research independent from traditional disciplines and existing across academic borders. The association is international in scope.
libro on line
Web Studies: A User's Guide
Gauntlett David and Ross Horsley
The World Wide Web is the defining medium of the 21st Century, enabling people across the world to share information, build communities, and express their individuality in ways that defy its origins in a tangle of telephone lines and computer codes. Bringing together the work of scholars, experts and established online authors, this comprehensive book offers an analysis of both contemporary Web-based culture and arts, and the impact of the Web on international economics, politics and law.
libro on line
La inteligencia colectiva
Es con gran satisfacción que la Organización Panamericana de la Salud, a través de la Unidad de Promoción y Desarrollo de la Investigación y el Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (BIREME), pone a la disposición de los usuarios de la BVS/Ciencia y Salud (BVS/CyS) la versión electrónica en español del consagrado libro de Pierre Lévy “La inteligencia colectiva”. La traducción a partir del original francés fue hecha por el Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas (INFOMED) de Cuba y Pierre Lévy autorizó la traducción y publicación de su libro sin costo alguno.
ricercatore - sito web
Jones Steve
Jones, Steve
Steve Jones is Associate Dean for Liberal Arts and Sciences, Professor of Communication, Research Associate in the Electronic Visualization Laboratory, Adjunct Professor of Electronic Media in the School of Art & Design at the University of Illinois – Chicago, and Adjunct Research Professor in the Institute of Communications Research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Deconstructing Goggle bombs: A breach of symbolic power or just a goofy prank?
Tatum Clifford
n this study I compare two Google bombs using Melluci’s (1996) social movement framework. Viewing the Google bombing practice as a social movement provides an informative lens from which to analyze the nature and goals as well as the results of this form of online collective action. The empirical basis for this research relies on analysis of the content and context of Google bomb hyperlinking using an approach informed by Beaulieu’s (2005) notion of sociable hyperlinks. From this study I conclude that the Google bombing practice is an online protest technique not unlike the "media mind bomb" developed by the late Bob Hunter of Greenpeace (2004) fame.
Defining Cyberculture
Jakub Macek
This article offers a new concept of cyberculture based on an analysis of structures of cybercultural narrations. The author sums up previous concepts of cyberculture and offers an account of the distinction between early and current cyberculture. Thereafter he focuses solely on early cyberculture and offers its definition and historical periodization. The thesis deals with early cyberculture as a wide social and cultural movement closely linked to advanced information and communication technologies (ICT), their emergence and development and their cultural colonization.
Virtual Urban Legends: Investigating the Ecology of the World Wide Web
Chattoe edmund
This paper traces the evolution of several ecological phenomena connected with the spread of replicating messages on the World Wide Web (web) and Internet (net). The paper begins by discussing some basic ecological and evolutionary concepts and then turns to analysing common features of replicating messages which have adapted them to survive in these particular 'ecologies'.
Virtual Culture: Introduction
Jones Steve
This excerpt is the introductory chapter from the book Virtual Culture from Sage Publications, Ltd. (London, England). It is © by Sage Publications and Steve Jones, all rights reserved.
Kapor Mitchell and Barlow John Perry
Over the last 50 years, the people of the developed world have begun to cross into a landscape unlike any which humanity has experienced before. It is a region without physical shape or form. It exists, like a standing wave, in the vast web of our electronic communication systems. It consists of electron states, microwaves, magnetic fields, light pulses and thought itself.
Looking Backwards, Looking Forward: Cyberculture Studies 1990-2000
Silver David
Originally published in Web.studies: Rewiring Media Studies for the Digital Age, edited by David Gauntlett (Oxford University Press, 2000): 19-30
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