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Digital Divide

Una collezione di risorse

7 items

centro di ricerca

Digital Divide Network



The Digital Divide Network is the Internet's largest community for educators, activists, policy makers and concerned citizens working to bridge the digital divide. At DDN, you can build your own online community, publish a blog, share documents and discussions with colleagues, and post news, events and articles. You can also find the archived discussion lists of the DIGITAL DIVIDE listserv.


documenti e rapporti ufficiali

Americans in the Information Age Falling Through the Net



The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is the President's principal adviser on telecommunications and information policy issues, and in this role frequently works with other Executive Branch agencies to develop and present the Administration's position on these issues.



Tutti su internet. 3ª Settimana dell’alfabetizzazione digitale



Roma, Italia

Dal 19 al 23 maggio torna nella capitale la terza "Settimana dell’alfabetizzazione digitale", promossa dalla Fondazione Mondo Digitale. I centri anziani e gli istituti che hanno partecipato alla VI edizione del corso "Nonni su Internet" invitano i cittadini romani a tornare nella scuola di quartiere per imparare come si scrive una lettera al computer, si invia un messaggio di posta elettronica o si usano i servizi on line della pubblica amministrazione.



International Journal of Learning and Media


The International Journal of Learning and Media (IJLM) provides a forum for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to examine the changing relationships between learning and media across a wide range of forms and settings. Our focus is particularly, but by no means exclusively, on young people, and we understand learning in broad terms to include informal and everyday contexts as well as institutions such as schools. We are especially interested in the broader social and cultural dimensions of these issues and in new and emerging media technologies, forms, and practices. We are particularly keen to promote international and intercultural exchange and dialogue in the field and encourage contributions from a variety of academic disciplines and perspectives, including papers from practitioners and policy-makers. Through scholarly articles, editorials, case studies, and an active online network, IJLM seeks to provide a premier forum for emerging interdisciplinary research and debate and to help shape the development of the field around the world. We publish contributions that address the theoretical, textual, historical, and sociological dimensions of media and learning, as well as the practical and political issues at stake.





IT&Society, Volume 1, Issue 4, Spring 2003, pp. i-iv - Of all the issues that have been spawned by the Internet, none has attracted as much scholarly and policy attention as what is referred to as the “digital divide”. The term was originally used to publicize findings from NTIA national surveys (NTIA 1997) showing the large differences in access to IT by low income groups, minorities, women and the elderly among other groups in society. However, the term was reportedly coined first by Markle Foundation President Lloyd Morrissette. Whatever its origin, the term has been widely interpreted to cover a variety of gaps in American society, as well as differences between the US and other Western countries and the rest of the world (e.g., Norris 2001). -



Effective use: A community informatics strategy beyond the Digital Divide



Gurstein Michael Gurstein

A huge industry has been created responding to the perceived social malady, the "Digital Divide". This paper examines the concepts and strategies underlying the notion of the Digital Divide and concludes that it is little more than a marketing campaign for Internet service providers. The paper goes on to present an alternative approach — that of "effective use" — drawn from community informatics theory which recognizes that the Internet is not simply a source of information, but also a fundamental tool in the new digital economy.



Bridging the Digital Divide: The Impact of Race on Computer Access and Internet Use



Novak Thomas P., Hoffman Donna L.

That portion of the Internet known as the World Wide Web has been riding an exponential growth curve since 1994 (Network Wizards 1998; Rutkowski 1998), coinciding with the introduction of NCSA’s graphically-based software interface Mosaic for “browsing” the World Wide Web (Hoffman, Novak, and Chatterjee 1995).




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