Presentazione del sito
Centri di studio -  dipartimenti universitari, organizzazioni di ricerca, associazioni
Riviste on line
Ricercatori, sociologi, antropologi, scrittori
Bibliografie in rete sulla cybercultura
Libri  on line -  libri completi, o versioni on line ditesti a stampa
Saggi e papers on line
articoli da rivistee giornali
Tesi di laurea
Forum e blogs - aree di discussione
News -  novità, convegni, congressi, iniziative
Ricerca per parole chiave



Cultural Studies Central


Cultural Studies today is a simmering stew of the ideas, voices, and lives of people all over the world. It's the things we use and the people we talk about. It's life and life only. Cultural Studies Central is a gathering spot and central clearinghouse where those of us who live and breathe Cultural Studies can go to learn more and do more.
CSC is enjoying the move to its new home, and soon we will have automated threaded discussion groups devoted to special topics including reading groups and study groups. Every month this coming spring and summer of 2002, there will be more to do and see! CSC features original interactive commentary and analysis, links to the best cultural studies resources on the planet, and pointers to exciting and superior World Wide Web projects devoted to special cultural studies interests. This spring of 2002, CSC will finally undergo those long-promised major usability changes. In addition to increased automation, we will "kill off" dead links, redirect folks to changed ones, and add many new ones. We want CSC to become your "portal" to the cultural studies world. Since CSC will always be committed to quality (other sites supply more quantity; come to CSC to find out what is truly worth your time and attention)

Tipo di risorsa: centro di ricerca



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