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Digital Divide Network


The Digital Divide Network is the Internet's largest community for educators, activists, policy makers and concerned citizens working to bridge the digital divide. At DDN, you can build your own online community, publish a blog, share documents and discussions with colleagues, and post news, events and articles. You can also find the archived discussion lists of the DIGITAL DIVIDE listserv.
For the last several years, we've all heard a lot about bridging the digital divide. Each day, more and more politicians, industry leaders, community activists and everyday citizens are becoming involved in the issue, especially at the local level. Despite the various experiences and backgrounds of these diverse groups of people, their end goal is basically the same: providing people with the technology, information and skills needed to help them reach their full potential, whether they're interested in getting a better education, seeking a better career, or building a better neighborhood. It's about using technology in creative, yet effective ways to improve the quality of life for everyone: our families, our communities and ourselves. At the Digital Divide Network, we examine the digital divide from many perspectives. The website offers a range of information, tools and resources that help practictioners stay on top of digital divide developments. It also serves as forum where practictioners can share their experiences with colleagues around the world. We look at the causes and effects of the divide from four distinct angles: technology access, literacy and learning, content, and economic development. In each of these areas, we pay particular attention to the role of local individuals and organizations when it comes to bridging the divide. In many cases, the stories featured on DDN come directly from the people working on the divide at the local level. These stories all provide unique perspectives and insights on what it takes to bridge the digital divide. Taken as a whole, the information exchanged on DDN is laying the foundation of a knowledge network for people and communities interested in working together to bridge the divide. - Benton Foundation

Tipo di risorsa: centro di ricerca



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