"Per una critica della ragione digitale" Incontro pubblico con Geert Lovink - Roma 6 novembre
Evento promosso da Aicun, Dipartimento CoRiS, Egea, in collaborazione con Kingdom of the Netherlands
Martedì 6 novembre 2012, ore 15.30 – Centro Congressi d’Ateneo
Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale, via Salaria 113
L’epoca del 2.0 è stata contraddistinta da un’elevata euforia digitale, in parte giustificata dalle innumerevoli opportunità offerte dalla rete al sistema sociale nel suo complesso. Spesso però l’euforia ha contagiato la ricerca scientifica e in alcuni casi ha impedito che si analizzassero con occhio rigoroso e critico le trasformazioni sociali connesse al digitale.
È sicuramente immune da questo rischio Geert Lovink, importante studioso olandese, che martedì 6 novembre 2012 sarà ospite d’eccezione del Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale dove incontrerà e si confronterà con studenti e ricercatori.
Geert Lovink è Associate Professor in Media Studies all’University of Amsterdam ed è fondatore e direttore dell’Institute of Network Cultures. Autore e promotore di progetti di comunicazione indipendente quali The Digital City, Nettime, Fiberculture”, è stato tra gli organizzatori delle conferenze WetWare, Next Five Minutes, Ars Electronica. In Italia ha da poco pubblicato conEgea della Bocconi il suo nuovo saggio Ossessioni collettive (titolo originale Networks without a cause).
Nella mattina del 6 novembre il prof. Lovink terrà un seminario, aperto ai dottorandi e a tutti i giovani studiosi del CoRiS, dal titolo Networking is Notworking a partire dalle ore 10.30 presso l’Aula Mauro Wolf del Dipartimento.
Nel pomeriggio, invece, si confronterà pubblicamente sui temi della rete presso il Centro Congressi d’Ateneo. Nell’incontro, dal titolo Per una critica della ragione digitale, dopo i saluti diGiuseppe Venanzoni, Preside della Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Sociologia, Comunicazione, seguirà l’intervento di Geert Lovink che avrà come discussant Carlo Antonelli, Direttore di Wired e Antonio Di Stefano, Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale.
Le conclusioni saranno affidate a Mario Morcellini, Direttore del Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale. |
DiDaS 2012 - 1st Workshop on Distributional Data Semantics
DiDaS 2012 – 1st Workshop on Distributional Data Semantics
September 21, 2012, Palermo, Italy
at the 6th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC)
Efficient means for capturing and representing computational semantics of data are critical for coping with current limitations of information systems, especially if one wants to make sense of large amounts of information coming from heterogeneous and/or poorly structured resources. Efforts aimed at representing meaning of data in a machine-readable way (i.e., Semantic Web or deductive databases) have achieved some level of success. There are alternatives to the top-down, assertional approaches to semantics, which can work even without (too much) expensive human involvement. One of the most widely and successfully used are distributional semantics models that have been researched within the field of computational linguistics. These models, based on the distributional hypothesis, provide a bottom-up approach to the computational representation of meaning, where the statistical co-occurrence of words in unstructured corpora can provide a basis for the construction of simplified but comprehensive and extensible models of semantic content. |
Mapping Festival
Votre imagination déborde de projets audiovisuels? Vous avez des performances, des installations, des workshops ou autres projets audiovisuels pluridisciplinaires à faire découvrir?
Proposez votre projet au Mapping Festival!
Comme chaque année le comité élabore la programmation du Mapping Festival, en partie, grâce à un appel à projets ouvert à tous.
Pour cela, vous suffit de présenter un dossier COMPLET en s'inscrivant directement en ligne sur: www.mappingfestival.com
ATTENTION: L'appel à projets en vue du Mapping Festival 2012 ouvre le MARDI 18 OCTOBRE 2011 jusqu'au VENDREDI 18 NOVEMBRE inclus.
Différentes catégories:
- Clubbing: VJing / scénographie / Set AV
- Performance audiovisuelle
- Installation / exposition
- Projection extérieure
- Workshop / Conférence / Présentation de logiciels
Notez les dates du prochain Mapping Festival: du 10 au 20 mai 2012.
Your imagination is full of audiovisual projects? You have performances, installations, workshops or other audiovisual multidisciplinary projects to discover?
Submit your project to the Mapping Festival!
As every year our curatorial committee develops the Mapping Festival program through an open call for submissions.
For it, you have to submit a COMPLETE file and register on line on: www.mappingfestival.com
BEWARE: Mapping Festival 2012 call for entries start OCTOBER 18h TUESDAY until NOVEMBER 18th FRIDAY included.
Different categories:
- Clubbing: VJing / scenography / Set AV
- Audiovisual performance
- Installation / Exhibition
- Outdoor projection
- Workshop / Lecture / Software demonstration
Booked next Mapping Festival: May 10th to 20th, 2012!
Start blogging! |
Network Music Festival
Open Call
DEADLINE: 30th November 2011
Network Music Festival aims to showcase a broad spectrum of musical
and sound related works, research and participatory activities which
use networking as part of their aesthetic, creation or performance
practice. Network Music Festival would like to invite submissions in
the categories of Performance (Concert or Club), Installation, Talks,
Demos and Workshops. We are also open to other suggestions, where you
are free to submit proposals that fall outside of the above categories
but that you feel would be an appropriate addition to the festival
Performances where networking in an integral part of the aesthetics or
performance practice. This could include: Laptop
Ensembles/Orchestras/Bands, Instrumental and Electronic groups;
Performances which use the internet as part of the performance; any
performance that use networking in some form.
Proposed performances should be 10-30 minutes in length.
Sound installations which use networking as central to the aesthetic
and/or creation of the work. Could include static installations or
installations which explore the surrounding area.
// TALKS //
We will be accepting submissions for informal talks, accompanied by
slideshow presentations. Talk topics should be suitable for the
general public.
// DEMOS //
The Network Music Festival will include an interactive hands-on
session where festival attendees can try-out or see your hardware or
software network music device/installation/toys/etc in action.
The session will be in the form of a market-place. You will be
provided with a small space with a table where you can set up your
tech for attendees to look at and have a go.
Participatory workshops which cover topics related to sound and
networking. May focus on technological and/or artistic aspects. Please
note this is a submission to LEAD a workshop.
Please state the experience level required in order to take part in
the workshop and the length of time and resources required in workshop
// OTHER //
If there’s anything that you would like to submit that you don’t feel
is covered by the above categories but would be an appropriate
addition to the festival programme, please submit a proposal with as
much information as possible.
http://networkmusicfestival.org/open-call/ |
Video Art Festival Miden
Video Art Festival Miden is ready to strike again this summer inviting
us on a journey to the visual universe of cotemporary global
video-creation. An adventurous as much as delightful trip to the
thoughts and quests of the avant-garde video-artists of the new
generation who reflect the most sharp and interesting trends of
contemporary art.
Festival Miden will take place at the traditional neighborhoods of
Kalamata’s Historic Centre, at Amfias square, in July 8-10, 2010 (9.30
pm), with free entrance.
Attached to this e-mail you will find the Press Release and the poster
of the festival.
Detailed screening program at www.festivalmiden.gr
E-mail: info@festivalmiden.gr |
Tekfestival. “Ai confini del mondo ... dentro l’Occidente”, festival internazionale di cinema indipendente e sociale.
Sessanta titoli in programma, il meglio della più recente produzione indipendente, documentari e lungometraggi narrativi, numerosi ospiti, incontri con il pubblico, videoinstallazioni, mostre, workshop e masterclass: dal 6 al 13 maggio 2010 torna in scena il Tekfestival “Ai confini del mondo…dentro l’Occidente”.
Quest’anno il festival si apre ad ancora nuovi territori e si svolgerà in tre luoghi: dal 6 all’11 maggio a Roma, al Nuovo Cinema Aquila, uno dei luoghi più attivi nella promozione culturale di qualità della città; il 12 maggio a Genzano di Roma, presso il Teatro blu, coraggioso laboratorio culturale della zona; il 13 maggio in collaborazione con l’associazione culturale Semintesta, presso lo Spazio Zip a Frascati, fucina di progetti e iniziative.
Con la sua natura polimorfa – espressione di un originale lavoro collettivo che guida il festival – capace di mescolare generi e soggetti differenti, il Tekfestival si è ormai affermato nel panorama della promozione cinematografica italiana e internazionale. Un appuntamento sempre più apprezzato dal pubblico e dalla critica soprattutto per l’appassionato lavoro di ricerca di cui è frutto e per il clima di condivisione di esperienze che si respira durante i giorni dell’evento. Il Tekfestival è un luogo dove poter apprezzare e discutere film e documentari provenienti dai più importanti festival internazionali, opere realizzate dal basso, immagini e parole che interrogano i nuovi scenari della contemporaneità e portano sugli schermi le azioni resistenti.
Migrazioni, politiche dei corpi, precarietà e flessibilità delle vite, controculture, effetti della globalizzazione, memorie conservate, comunità solidali….queste alcune delle parole chiave della prossima edizione.
Buone visioni!
Uno sguardo mediologico al futuro delle Scienze della Comunicazione
Milano, 6 e 7 Maggio
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Largo Agostino Gemelli, 1
Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM, Via Carlo Bo, 1
Care studentesse, cari studenti e colleghi tutti,
l'evento esprime l’iniziativa che docenti di vari insegnamenti afferenti alla Sociologia dei Processi Culturali presso molte università italiane hanno intrapreso per discutere insieme i temi più cruciali per la loro disciplina. Questo è solo un primo confronto, cui seguiranno una serie di altri incontri
che verranno programmati nei prossimi mesi.
Alberto Abruzzese
Uno sguardo mediologico al futuro delle Scienze della Comunicazione.
Come disegnare il panorama mediale contemporaneo? Quali sono le metodologie di approccio future delle scienze della comunicazione a fronte della mutazione dell'ecosistema mediale?
Una due giorni di micro tavole rotonde interdisciplinari metterà a confronto i principali mediologi italiani con studiosi di altre discipline, giornalisti ed esperti di tecnologie.
9.30 - 9.45
9.45 - 10.00
Saluti e introduzione ai lavori
Francesco Casetti e Fausto Colombo (Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Milano)
10.00 - 11.00
“Storia, storie e media”
Fausto Colombo (Osscom – Univesità Cattolica del S. Cuore, Milano) e Paolo Colombo (Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Milano)
11.00 - 12.00
“Il buono e cattivo tempo dei doni in rete”
Alberto Abruzzese (Università IULM, Milano), Carlo Formenti (Università del Salento, Lecce) e Andrea Miconi (Università IULM, Milano).
12.00 - 13.00
“Immaginari digitali: cinema e post-serialità alla prova del XXI secolo”
Gino Frezza (Università degli Studi, Salerno), Gianni Canova (Università IULM, Milano) e Sergio Brancato (Università degli Studi, Salerno)
Pausa pranzo
14.30 - 15.30
“Digital heritage: memoria, cultura, tecnologia”
Giovanni Ragone (Università La Sapienza, Roma), Francesco Antinucci (Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione – CNR, Roma) e Silvano Tagliagambe (Sapienza, Università di Roma)
15.30 - 16.30
“Pubblici connessi e scenario digitale”
Giovanni Boccia Artieri (Università Carlo Bo, Urbino), Giuseppe Granieri (Università Carlo Bo, Urbino)
16.30 - 17.30
“New place, new space: formazione e beni culturali fra e-book e augmented reality”
Luca Toschi (Università degli Studi, Firenze), Alessandra Anichini, Giusy Cannella (ANSAS- ex-INDIRE), Stefania Chipa (Università degli Studi, Firenze), Elena Mosa (ANSAS- ex-INDIRE), Gianluca Torrini (Università degli Studi, Firenze) e Leonardo Tosi (ANSAS- ex-INDIRE)
18.00 - 19.00
9.30 - 9.45
Saluti e introduzione ai lavori
Alberto Abruzzese e Guido Di Fraia (Università IULM, Milano)
9.45 - 11.15
Tavola rotonda: “La scienza della comunicazione. Quale futuro?”
Mario Ricciardi (Politecnico di Torino), Enrico Pedemonte (giornalista), Sebastiano Bagnara (Università degli Studi, Sassari) e Ugo Volli (Università degli Studi, Torino)
11.15 - 12.00
12.00 - 12.30
12.30 - 13.00
Chiusura dei lavori |
DAC09 - Digital Art and Culture 2009
DAC09 will be held on the campus of the University of California Irvine,
for three and a half days in mid-December 2009
The Themes for this iteration of DAC:
* Embodiment and performativity
* Mobile/locative/situated/wearable practices
* Software/platform studies
* Environment/ sustainability/ climate change
* Interdisciplinary pedagogy
* Cognition and Creativity
* Sex and sexuality
DAC09 is now accepting paper proposals, and inviting offers of participation
in other aspects of the conference.
On the site you will find links to:
* our online submission environment,
* our online registration page,
and other details…
OZCHI 2009
OZCHI is Australia’s leading forum for research and development in all areas of Human-Computer Interaction. OZCHI attracts an international community of practitioners, researchers, academics and students from a wide range of disciplines including user experience designers, information architects, software engineers, human factors experts, information systems analysts, and social scientists.
The main conference will be from Wed 25 to Fri 27 Nov 2009, and will be preceded by two days of Workshops, Tutorials and a Doctoral Consortium on Mon 23 and Tue 24 Nov 2009.OZCHI will take place back-to-back with HFESA 2009: http://www.hfesaconference.org.au/ scheduled to run from 22-25 Nov 2009. The venue for both conferences is the ICT building of the University of Melbourne, 111 Barry St, Parkville.
We look forward to welcoming you to an exciting conference in Australia’s design capital.
Marcus Foth, QUT Conference Chair
Important Dates
Long papers, and workshop & tutorial proposals 12 Jun 2009: Submission deadline 14 Aug 2009: Notification of acceptance 28 Aug 2009: Camera ready papers deadline
Short papers, industry case studies, demos & posters, workshop papers, and doctoral consortium 28 Aug 2009: Submission deadline 25 Sep 2009: Notification of acceptance 02 Oct 2009: Camera ready papers deadline
Conference Theme
The 2009 conference theme is Design: Open 24/7. Accessibility, inclusivity and dissolving boundaries are core to the Open 24/7 theme for the design of human interaction with and through digital technologies. The integration of digital technologies into our everyday life allows for a seamless transitioning between open and closed, work and leisure, public and private. Open implies participation and collaboration across traditional borders between individuals, organisations and disciplines. OZCHI 2009 provides a forum to discuss all aspects of openness, open borders, open participation, open source and open architecture. Theme-related submissions may address these topics:
- Open always-on real-time ubiquitous and pervasive designs
- Open design and universality versus situatedness, contextualisation and personalisation
- Open source for design – design for open source
- Open mind – new ideas, concepts and approaches from outside HCI
- Beyond open – never closed: design for escapism
Conference Topics
Submissions in all areas of HCI are encouraged. In addition, we particularly invite authors to address any of the following topics:
- Augmented Reality
- Context and Location Awareness
- Education and HCI
- Health Care and HCI
- Innovative Design Methodologies
- Smart Service Delivery
- Sustainability
- Universal Usability and Accessibility
- Urban Informatics
- Tangible User Interfaces
- Visualisation Techniques
- Working across Cultures
This is a call for papers and non-papers alike. It is open to artists, intellectuals, writers, philosophers, analysts, scientists, journalists and media professionals who have something to say about the media that extends beyond the conventional forms of media analysis. It is also a call for enacting a different, creative mode of doing ‘media studies’. Taking seriously both the philosophical legacy of what the Kantian and Foucauldian tradition calls ‘critique’, and the transformative and interventionist energy of the creative arts, we are looking for playful, experimental yet rigorous cross-disciplinary interventions and inventions that are equally at home with critical theory and media practice, and that can make a difference – academically, institutionally, politically, ethically and aesthetically.
This creative media project arises out of an attempt on our part to work through and reconcile, in a manner that would be ‘satisfactory’ on both an intellectual and artistic level, academic writing and creative practice. This effort has to do with more than just the usual anxieties associated with attempts to breach the ‘theory-practice’ divide and negotiate the associated issues of rigour, skill, technical competence and aesthetic judgement. Working in and with creative media is for us first and foremost an epistemological question of how we can perform knowledge differently through a set of practices that also ‘produce things’.
‘Creative media’ functions as both a theme and a methodology for us here then. Our aim is to produce an issue ‘about creative media’ by means of a variety of creative media. We are therefore seeking works which are situated across the conventional boundaries of theory and practice, art and activism, social sciences and the humanities. Such works can take a variety of forms – essays on, polemics with regard to, and performances of what it means to ‘do media’ both creatively and critically. They can also incorporate a variety of media, from moving and still images, through to podcasts, wikis and tweets, to creative writing and traditional papers. (And yes, language also counts as a medium.)
Executive summary (of sorts)
We are looking for surprising, inventive and original work on media that does something different, is equally at home with critical theory and media practice, and plays with the medium of the media.
Deadline for submissions: 15 October 2009
Potential contributors are encouraged to contact the editors prior to this date to discuss their possible submissions.
Please submit your contributions by email to:
Joanna Zylinska & Sarah Kember:
<j.zylinska@gold.ac.uk> & <s.kember@gold.ac.uk> |