Saggi & Papers
Novak Thomas P., Hoffman Donna L., 1998
Bridging the Digital Divide: The Impact of Race on Computer Access and Internet Use
That portion of the Internet known as the World Wide Web has been riding an exponential growth curve since 1994 (Network Wizards 1998; Rutkowski 1998), coinciding with the introduction of NCSA’s graphically-based
software interface Mosaic for "browsing" the World Wide Web (Hoffman, Novak, and Chatterjee 1995).
Currently, over 29 million hosts are connected to the Internet worldwide (Network Wizards 1998), and somewhere between 60 to 75 million adults (CyberAtlas 1998) in the United States alone have access to around 320 million unique pages of content (Lawrence and Giles 1998), globally distributed on arguably one of the most important communication innovations in history