Riviste on-line
DIGITAL DIVIDES http://www.stanford.edu/group/siqss/itandsociety/v01i04.html
IT&Society, Volume 1, Issue 4, Spring 2003, pp. i-iv - Of all the issues that have been spawned by the Internet, none has
attracted as much scholarly and policy attention as what is referred to as the
“digital divide”. The term was originally used to publicize findings from NTIA
national surveys (NTIA 1997) showing the large differences in access to IT by
low income groups, minorities, women and the elderly among other groups in
society. However, the term was reportedly coined first by Markle Foundation
President Lloyd Morrissette. Whatever its origin, the term has been widely
interpreted to cover a variety of gaps in American society, as well as differences
between the US and other Western countries and the rest of the world (e.g.,
Norris 2001). -