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Tag: Geert Lovink


centro di ricerca

Institute of Network Cultures (INC) - Amsterdam

The Institute of Network Cultures (INC), which was set up in June 2004, caters to research, meetings and (online) initiatives in the area of internet and new media. Not only will the INC facilitate, but also initiate and produce a range of projects. Its goal is to create an open organizational form with a strong focus on content, within which ideas (emanating from both individuals and institutions) can be given an institutional context at an early stage. Based on the fusion of old and new media, the INC aims to organize both public and internal meetings and to formulate new research.


A lecture by Geert Lovink : Internet, Globalization and the Politics of Language


Venerdi, 30/05/2008 :: h 16.00 - 18.30 Palazzo Corigliano :: Aula Mura Greche Piazza S. Domenico Maggiore - NA


Faut-il avoir peur du Web 2.0 ?

Lovink Geert

Faut-il avoir peur du Web 2.0 ? Invité : Geert Lovink, théoricien des médias, critique d’art et activiste. Dimanche 17 Février 2008, Centre Pompidou, 18:00-20:00, dans le cadre du cycle Troisième Oeil, Petite salle, entrée libre.


L'alba dei network organizzati

Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter

A un primo sguardo il concetto di "network organizzati" sembra un ossimoro. In termini tecnici, tutti i network sono organizzati. Ci sono fondatori, amministratori, moderatori e membri attivi che svolgono dei ruoli. Si pensi anche ai primi lavori sulla cibernetica e alla cibernetica di "secondo ordine" di Bateson e altri.


Dawn of the Organised Networks

Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter

At first glance the concept of "organised networks" appears oxymoronic. In technical terms, all networks are organised. There are founders, administrators, moderators and active members who all take up roles. Think also back to the early work on cybernetics and the "second order" cybernetics of Bateson and others. Networks consist of mobile relations whose arrangement at any particular time is shaped by the "constitutive outside" of feedback or noise…


Il Net- Criticism di Geert Lovink - Indagare le “limitazioni del software” e le “dinamiche di gruppo”

Bitti Vincenzo

Tra il 2002 e il 2004 sono stati pubblicati in Italia due volumi del mass mediologo olandese Geert Lovink: Dark Fiber (2002: Sossella Editore, con prefazione di Franco Berardi) e Internet non è il paradiso. Reti sociali e critica della cibercultura (My First Recession, 2003, introduzione di Arturo di Corinto) tradotto di recente nei tipi dell'Apogeo, che riprende e approfondisce gli argomenti del primo.


Interview with Lisa Nakamura Race and Cyberspace Geert Lovink, May 2004

Lovink Geert

Talking Race and Cyberspace Interview with Lisa Nakamura By Geert Lovink


Blogging, the nihilist impulse

Lovink, Geert

Media theorist and Internet activist Geert Lovink formulates a theory of weblogs that goes beyond the usual rhetoric of citizens' journalism. Blogs lead to decay, he writes. What's declining is the "Belief in the Message". Instead of presenting blog entries as mere self-promotion, we should interpret them as decadent artefacts that remotely dismantle the broadcast model.
