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Tag: multiculturalismo



Thinking Diaspora: Why Diaspora is a Key Concept for Understanding Multicultural Europe

Georgiu Myria

The concept of diaspora goes back in human history; it was initially used by the ancient Greeks to describe their spreading all over the then known-world. For the ancient Greeks diaspora signified migration and colonisation. For the Jews, the Armenians and the Africans who later adopted the term, the concept implied more painful meanings of loss of a Homeland, violent deterritorialisation and longing for return (Cohen, 1997). As much as the history of migration and settlement for these populations and for other populations that have moved across the globe has changed, so did the concept of diaspora


Postmodern Virtualities

Poster Mark

(This essay appears as Chapter 2 in the book The Second Media Age (Blackwell 1995)


Migrations and the Net: new virtual spaces to build a cultural identity

Prendes P., Martínez-Sánchez F., Castañeda L. J.

This paper presents some of the reflections, projects and results around the topics of multiculturalism and migration attained by the Educational Technology Research Group at the University of Murcia, some of them integrated in the Interuniversity Cooperation programmes promoted by the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI). We pretend to analyze how the appropriate use of ICT in educational contexts allows to maintain the cultural characteristics of a community, while helping at the same time to promote a better knowledge and acceptance of other cultures.
