ricercatore - sito web
Stone Allucquere Rosanne
Ricercatice e scrittrice su tutti gli ambiti del cyberspazio, cyborgs, transgender, dirige l'ACT dell'università del Texas di cui è anche fondatrice. Si tratta di un laboratorio tecnologico per la comunicazione avanzata. |
ricercatore - sito web
Suler John
Professore di psicologia all'Università del Texas conduce ricerche sugli ambienti di discussione in tempo reale basati sugli avatar. La sua ricerca si trova nella sua pagina web "THE PSICOLOGY OF CYBERSPACE". |
Kapor Mitchell and Barlow John Perry
Over the last 50 years, the people of the developed world have begun to cross into a landscape unlike any which humanity has experienced before. It is a region without physical shape or form. It exists, like a standing wave, in the vast web of our electronic communication systems. It consists of electron states, microwaves, magnetic fields, light pulses and thought itself. |
Envisioning Cyberspace: The Design of OnLine Communities
Anders Peter
The development of the World Wide Web into an active, visual social environment poses unique opportunities for the design professions. Multi-user Domains, social meeting places in cyberspace, are mostly text-based virtual realities which use spatial references to set the stage for social interaction. |
Hakken, David
Among the most important transformations in the discipline of anthropology over
the last hundred years are changes in our conception of what constitutes anthropological
knowledge. In the wake of the adoption early in the Twentieth Century of ethnographic
fieldwork as something of a methodological standard in social and cultural anthropology
came an implicit recognition of the cultural relativity of knowledge, that what counts as
“known” varies from cultural to culture. Over the century, this recognition co-existed
more or less uneasily with the Malinowskian and both earlier and later forms of
commitment to a “science” program in the discipline. |
Le estetiche del Cyberspazio
Tursi Antonio
Tratto da Antonio Tursi, Internet e il Barocco. L’opera d’arte nell’epoca della sua digitalizzazione, Roma, Cooper, 2004 |
Disembodiment and Cyberspace: A Phenomenological Approach
Ajana Btihaj
The aim of this paper is to examine the entangled relationship between the technology of cyberspace and the rhetoric of disembodiment by using Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological approach. I start with an overview of the Enlightenment’s epistemology regarding the body and precisely that of the Cartesian split, then go on to argue how the body still subsists in the symbolic world created by virtual reality, focusing on materiality, speciality and bodily experiences within the realm of cyberspace. |
Defining Cyberculture
Jakub Macek
This article offers a new concept of cyberculture based on an analysis of structures of cybercultural narrations. The author sums up previous concepts of cyberculture and offers an account of the distinction between early and current cyberculture. Thereafter he focuses solely on early cyberculture and offers its definition and historical periodization. The thesis deals with early cyberculture as a wide social and cultural movement closely linked to advanced information and communication technologies (ICT), their emergence and development and their cultural colonization. |
Cultura, identità ed etnografia nell’epoca di Internet. Note dal cyberspazio
Bitti Vincenzo
La rivoluzione delle comunicazioni prodotta dall’esplodere delle reti telematiche di cui Internet, la Rete, è la materializzazione più visibile, ha effetti molteplici che coinvolgono potenzialmente tutte le sfere dell’attività e dell’organizzazione umana.
E’ diffusa la sensazione che la posta in gioco delle trasformazioni in atto sia piuttosto alta, stiamo vivendo, molto probabilmente, un momento di passaggio epocale che sembra somigliare ad altri periodi cruciali della storia umana. Mark Poster la paragona all’emergere della cultura urbana e mercantile nel feudalesimo. |