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Tag: Ideologia Californiana



Rebuttal of the Californian Ideology

Rossetto Louis

Louis Rossetto's reply to Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron's The Californian Ideology

Louis Rossetto's reply to Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron's The Californian Ideology

A seeming understanding of the Digital Revolution's crucial left-right fusion of free minds and free markets, followed by a totally out-to-lunch excursion into discussions of the role of the government, racism, and the ecology in California, ending with a startling admission of the need to marry "some of the entrepeneurial zeal and can-do attitude" of California to a uniquely European (but not even vaguely defined) mixed economy solution - all of it betraying an atavistic attachment to statism, and an utterly dismal failure to comprehend the possibilities of a future radically different than the one we currently inhabit, one that is actually democratic, meritocratic, decentralized, libertarian.
