Jones Steve
Jones, Steve
Steve Jones is Associate Dean for Liberal Arts and Sciences, Professor
of Communication, Research Associate in the Electronic Visualization
Laboratory, Adjunct Professor of Electronic Media in the School of Art
& Design at the University of Illinois – Chicago, and Adjunct
Research Professor in the Institute of Communications Research at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He holds the Ph.D. in
Communication from the Institute of Communications Research, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1987), M.S. in Journalism from the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1984) and a B.S. in Biology
from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1984). He served
as Head of the Department of Communication at the University of
Illinois – Chicago from 1997 to 2003, and as Head of the Faculty
of Communication at the University of Tulsa from 1992 to 1997.
Jones is author and editor of numerous books, including Society Online,
CyberSociety, Virtual Culture, Doing Internet Research, CyberSociety
2.0, The Encyclopedia of New Media, Rock Formation: Technology, Music
and Mass Communication (all published by Sage), The Internet for
Educators and Homeschoolers (ETC Publications), Pop Music & the
Press (Temple University Press) and Afterlife as Afterimage:
Understanding Posthumous Fame (Peter Lang Publishing). He has published
numerous articles in scholarly journals including ones in IEEE Computer
Graphics and Applications, Cultural Studies, Journal of Virtual
Environments, Works and Days, Iowa Journal of Communication, Stanford
Humanities Review, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly,
Critical Studies in Mass Communication, The Journal of Broadcasting
& Electronic Media and American Journalism. His research interests
include the social history of communication technology, virtual
environments and virtual reality, popular music studies, internet
studies, and media history.
Jones was the founder and first President of the Association of
Internet Researchers and serves as Senior Research Fellow at the Pew
Internet & American Life Project. He has made numerous
presentations to scholarly and business groups about the Internet and
social change and about the Internet's social and commercial uses. He
is co-editor of New Media & Society, an international journal of
research on new media, technology, and culture and edits Digital
Formations, a series of books on digital media, the Internet and
communication (Peter Lang Publishing). His research has been funded by
the National Science Foundation and the Tides Foundation. In addition
to numerous honors and awards, the National Communication Association
(the largest scholarly organization in the field of communication) and
the Carl Couch Center for Social and Internet Research created the
annual Steve Jones Internet Research Lecture at the National
Communication Association convention in recognition of his
contributions to the study of communication and technology.
Tipo di risorsa: ricercatore - sito web
Torna all'indice della parola chiave: Cibercultura - Web Studies
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