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Jakub Macek, 2004

Defining Cyberculture


This article offers a new concept of cyberculture based on an analysis of structures of cybercultural narrations. The author sums up previous concepts of cyberculture and offers an account of the distinction between early and current cyberculture. Thereafter he focuses solely on early cyberculture and offers its definition and historical periodization. The thesis deals with early cyberculture as a wide social and cultural movement closely linked to advanced information and communication technologies (ICT), their emergence and development and their cultural colonization.


This is the fixed version of the text (July 2005). The originall Czech version is available in Média a realita (ed. by Binková, P. – Volek, J., Masaryk University Press, 2004). In need of further information on the text, please contact the author.


