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Blog sulle culture politiche digitali


Bed & Breakfast in Rome


Help Cybercultura a site of resources dedicated to the analysis of the Net from anthropological and sociological perspective . wants to be a tool for who wants to approach the analysis of the Net from the perspective of human and social sciences.
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News - Conferences, meetings, events, books, research etc..
"Per una critica della ragione digitale" Incontro pubblico con Geert Lovink - Roma 6 novembre
Evento promosso da Aicun, Dipartimento CoRiS, Egea, in collaborazione con Kingdom of the Netherlands - Martedì 6 novembre 2012, ore 15.30- Centro Congressi d’Ateneo Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Ricerca Sociale, via Salaria 113

DiDaS 2012 - 1st Workshop on Distributional Data Semantics
DiDaS 2012 aims at connecting distributional semantics with areas that could benefit from a distributional model of meaning. The workshop targets the exploration of both applied and theoretical aspects of these cross-disciplinary interactions. One of the main objectives of the workshop is to bridge the existing gap between distributional semantics and research areas which can strongly benefit from distributional (i.e., bottom-up) models of meaning that would complement the traditional top-down approaches to semantics (e.g., ontologies or database schemata). Additionally, the workshop encourages the participation of domain experts and industry practitioners focused on domain-oriented applications of distributional semantics.

Mapping Festival
The Mapping Festival is dedicated to the advancement of the VJ medium. It does so by initiating events where the medium of projecting images is combined with other currents in contemporary culture, and bringing these events to the people of Geneva and international visitors.

Network Music Festival
27-29 January - Birmingham, UK The Network Music Festival will take place in January 2012 in Birmingham (UK) in the heart of Birmingham’s creative community. Presenting a diverse programme of laptop performances, live coding, communicating home-made musical gadgets, sound installations, workshops and everything else in between, the Network Musical Festival boasts an international line-up including some of Birmingham’s best home-grown hi-tech musical performers. We are looking for proposals for performances, talks, installations, demos and workshops.

Video Art Festival Miden
8-10 / July / 2010 Kalamata / Greece- Video Art Festival Miden is ready to strike again this summer inviting us on a journey to the visual universe of cotemporary global video-creation. An adventurous as much as delightful trip to the thoughts and quests of the avant-garde video-artists of the new generation who reflect the most sharp and interesting trends of contemporary art

E' tutto pronto per la 9/a edizione del Tekfestival, che avrà ufficialmente inizio il 6 maggio al Nuovo Cinema Aquila di Roma. Tekfestival. "Ai confini del mondo ... dentro l’Occidente", festival internazionale di cinema indipendente e sociale.

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Last materials encluded


Is Google Making Us Stupid? What the Internet is doing to our brains

"Is Google Making Us Stupid? What the Internet is doing to our brains" is a magazine article by technology writer Nicholas G. Carr highly critical of the Internet's effect on cognition. It was published in the July/August 2008 edition of The Atlantic magazine as a six-page cover story. Carr's main argument is that the Internet might have detrimental effects on cognition that diminish the capacity for concentration and contemplation. Despite the title, the article is not specifically targeted at Google, but more at the cognitive impact of the Internet and World Wide Web.[Carr expanded his argument in The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, a book published by W. W. Norton in June 2010. (from Wikipedia)

libro on line

Internet and Change. An Anthropology of Knowledge and Flexible Work

How may internet use be related to social and cultural change? Debates on this question have proliferated. Yet, conceptions of change in such debates have remained conspicuously under-theorized. This book approaches these issues through anthropological research among ‘teleworkers’…



Nel dibattito sulla diffusione delle nuove tecnologie di comunicazione in rete s’incontrano sovente posizioni estreme, teorie che prescindono dagli utilizzatori per sottolineare ipotesi sradicate dagli usi e distaccate dal sociale. Al posto di considerare l’esperienza delle persone si mette in risalto il rischio che l’implementazione di una nuova tecnologia o la diffusione di nuove forme di comunicazione possono provocare sul tessuto sociale. A questo proposito ciò che mi sembra interessate sottolineare é il fatto che tendiamo a confrontarci ancora con un discorso che pensa le dinamiche del cyberspazio da un punto di vista “cibernetico”, concentrandosi più sugli strumenti che sulle vere dinamiche d’interazione.


"Saper usare" la LIM. Aspettative e bisogni dei docenti in formazione

Con l'inizio  del nuovo anno scolastico, il Piano per la diffusione delle Lavagne Interattive Multimediali promosso dal MIUR entrerà nella sua fase più operativa. Le scuole secondarie di I grado che a gennaio hanno scelto di partecipare all'iniziativa potranno iniziare ad utilizzare la tecnologia con gli studenti.


On the Internet, no one knows that you're a dog.

Introduction papers

La rete riflette su se stessa
I colori di internet: note per una politica dell'identità in rete
Contemporaneità e identità. Note per un'etnografia del movimento
Cultura, identità ed etnografia nell’epoca di Internet
Note dal cyberspazio

Introducing Cyberculture di David Silver, 2000


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